Meeting: Monday & Wednesday at 6pm at the Comfort Suites in French Lick
“Restoration through Relationship” is the main theme of Hope Alive Recovery here at Love Never Fails. There is abundance of people hurting and in need of recovery from a multitude of addictions and life controlling problems.
Many people refuse to admit that they have a problem and for those denial is the main problem. People who use their coping mechanisms to fill their emptiness and medicate their emotional pain go to great lengths to convince others that their addiction is not hurting them or out of control. Often the only ones they convince are themselves.
The very nature of addiction is that the coping mechanisms, which seemed to help us, eventually control us and produce negative consequences. Left unchecked, any addiction will destroy a life including those addictions that look good like workaholism, relationship or a religious addiction.
Addiction causes us to engage in self destructive and self-defeating behavior. Addiction destroys relationships with the people we ought to care about and fractures our relationship with God if we ever had one. Eventually addiction will take our very life or we will wish it had.
The good news is that there is an answer – there is a way out – recovery is available. Jesus Christ is still in the business of healing and transforming lives. There is a simple way of recovery that has been documented to work for millions. We call it the Twelve Steps. These steps were not invented by mortal human beings. If they were, they would have little value because neither science nor medicine has ever come up with a solution to addiction or ever will.
These steps are spiritual principles that came from the Bible. Working the steps is simply applying Biblical principles to ones life in an easy to understand way. The reason a spiritual solution works is that the problem is spiritual at its core. Stated simply the problem is being in control of one’s own life and carrying out one’s own plan. The reason this is a problem is that our Creator never intended for one human being to live this way. The solution is pointedly learning to let God be in control and carrying out His plan.
As we apply Biblical (spiritual) principles to our lives by actually working the steps, we move from self-centered to Christ Centered.
Another way of saying it is that self-centeredness is the problem and Christ centeredness is the solution. A core slogan in recovery is “First Things First.” This was coined and inspired from the Bible, “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Mat 6:33 NIV)
If we allow God to restore us into a right relationship with Him – He will bring healing and wholeness into our lives and restore us into a right relationship with others. God is not caught by surprise by our circumstances. God sees the end from the beginning. The Lord has a plan and a path to lead us to happiness, peace and victory. The choice is yours.
The important thing to remember is that there is hope for healing because Jesus never fails to bring wholeness to a life that is open and yielded to Him.
Questions? If you feel that we can be of assistance to you or someone you know or love contact LNF at (812) 587-4060