Love Never Fails Youth Outreach is dedicated to guiding today’s youth in the right direction. One of the biggest concerns is getting the minds of today’s youth set on following God’s unique plan for them as opposed to copying the toxic lifestyles we see too often in today’s world. Our youth leaders are committed to encourage and to raise up the next generation for Christ. For more information contact our youth pastor Katie Lindsey at (930) 243-2209
Kind Companions Night Out: We come together monthly for a safe night out of fellowship and mentorship. Through mentoring we desire to impact the hearts of our youth in discussing life struggles, joys, needs, influences, spiritual disciplines, identity, and more. We hope you can join us soon!
Youth ministry is vital to helping teens integrate into the larger, inter-generational community of the church.
Youth ministry resists the status quo, helping the church stay relevant.
Youth ministry focuses on inviting those who are not already part of the church into the deeper narrative of God’s plan.